Dont read this if you are not used to new LESLIE behavior

What the hell is going on with my life?!
Why must a form 4 student face all these problems?!
Fierce teachers!
Lots of homeworks!
And .............................................................
I have no time to list all these problem because I am going to "explode" while writting this blog now!!!
Bull shit!

To certain peoples,
Dont show ur brainless action or behaviour with me!I am a hot temper people,dont ask me to change!This is my style,so how?bueh song a?!All those rude word I am giving (...............................................................................................) as your new year presents!If you are a nuts,please,dont "create" more nuts!Because of (...certain people...) facing SMP (serious mentality problem) and cause me face this too,you fucking bastard!BUll shit!Dont try my patient!A ballon also will explode if it is filled with so much air.I am a human! I got feeling!(...certain people...) dont think you are elder or some 1 that student need to "respect"(certain only,not all) then you can show how strong is ur fucking big mouth in the class.WHY DONT YOU THINK ABOUT THE STUDENTS FEELING!!!I know I am TOO OVER to say like this but DONT FORGET THAT I LEARNT THIS FROM YOU,SPEAK WITHOUT PROCESSING BY BRAIN!!!How you feel when you are reading this?For the other(........)that student must respect,thank you so much that didnt have the same style with those Bastard.Thx a lot.(special 1)dont think every sorry you said to the others will "get back" nevermind.Although you are good but you had touch religious issues in the class! My friend and I are very sensitive about it,dont think ur religious is the best,all religious are the same,all good!Kepala babi!
Sign off,GOODBYE!